We find ourselves entering a week of introspection, the moon is in its perfect phase for us to go within and connect with our own intuitive awareness. It is a particularly powerful week as in many traditions next week marks the fresh and auspicious beginning of a new cycle in the year~ between the 9th and the 11th of September we have the Jewish New Year, the Muslim Eid (completion of Ramadan), the Hindu honoring of Ganesh, remover of obstacles, wisdom bearer, protector of families and bringer of success, and in America, September 11th is now known as the Day of Angels. Needless to say, the potential that this week holds for introspective work for all of us is powerful. But why? You see, when many unite in purpose, the energy intensifies, propels and grows. When we have so many souls upon our planet Earth celebrating the Divine in different ways, we are all blessed by the opportunity to celebrate it within ourselves as well, moving forward faster within our intended paths, manifesting love and joy, and connecting deeper with the Divine!
This week I have been guided to invite all who would like to journal along with me as I work with the Archangel guidance in preparation for the new moon. There are seven messages that I will post here, each one will be posted daily on facebook. After meditation, these seven messages were channeled as the perfect ones for this time. They were intuitively selected by me without mental intervention, just pure divine guidance. ( I am doing the work too!). The tool that I am using are the Archangel Oracle Cards by D.Virtue. I am allowing divine guidance for further insights to be shared through each message.
What do YOU have to do? Read and copy in your journal the message for each day and allow yourself to spend the day pondering what the message is about for you. Do it day by day, one day at a time. Write down your thoughts. During this particular week, carry your journal with you, let it be your companion, your friend. Allow your own insights to flow and teach you about where you find yourself internally now. During this week, make sure that you treat yourself as your own best friend, you can share your mind, your secrets, your excitement, your fears knowing that you are deeply supported, loved and not judged during this process. Express yourself fully. This is transformational work, be honest as you journal, keep it to yourself this week, it is all between you and Source. It is a sacred time of revelations for you. Many blessings to come, and so it is. Amen.
Archangel Raziel~ ” I am helping your spiritual sight to awaken fully so you can clearly see Heavenly love” At times our two eyes limit us, for we begin to believe that that which we see through them is what is. We may feel so blessed to see beauty and yet so alone at times in what we see as “our reality”. The inivitation to ponder on here is… what is your reality? Where is the illusion? What am I seeing with my physical eyes that limit my spiritual vision? Can I give myself permission to go within and dream? to speak with the Divine and see it through my own inner sight? If that were possible what would I see? How do God and the angels appear to me? What do they look like, feel like? ………answer each question sincerely, take your time. The imagination is one of the most powerful tools of the mind, this week I give myself full permission to use it for a higher loving good.
Archangel Azrael~ “Your loved ones in Heaven are doing fine. Let go of worries, and feel their loving blessings.” Take time to connect with your deceased loved ones, family members, friends and the spirit of the angels of love and light. Feel their loving presence, their guidance and know that they are only a veil away. Is there anything that they would like you to know? how are they helping you? what can you do to honor their life and their presence? How can your experience of life improve through this awareness?
Archangel Jophiel~ “Get rid of clutter,clear the energy around you, and use feng shui” Welcoming new energy within requires that the space within us be ready and clean to receive it. The outside is a reflection of the inside. Where is the clutter? What are you resisting to address? What lingers? This is the perfect time to tackle the things that need your attention and finally put them in their perfect space. It is also time to clear relationships. What needs to be shared? What relationships may need to change? See everything with new eyes. Take accountability and release all blame. Being clear will bring you deep loving peace within. Enjoy it.
Archangel Sandalphon~ “Be very gentle with yourself at this time. Surround yourself with gentle people, situations, and environments.” This is a time where judgement towards yourself or others is not allowed. Take a break with judgement. Replace it, just for today, with JOY. Give yourself permission to do so. Only you can. Make a list of moments that bring you deep joy.
Archangel Chamuel~ “I am helping you with your spiritual soulmate relationship” Today is a day for romance. Whether you are in a relationship, or single, romance excludes noone! Take the time for a bubble bath, a candlelit dinner, a walk in nature, write a love letter. Ask the angels of love to make their presence known, to accompany you, and ensure to tell someone that you truly love them and mean it (pets and plants included). 🙂
Archangel Michael ~ “Be clear about what you desire, and focus upon it with unwavering faith” The day has come for you to make your wish list! What do you intend for your life at this time? how would you care to be of service to the planet? what would you like to enjoy as part of your life experience? Give your imagination permission to guide you and let the list be as long as you dream it to be.
Archangel Raziel~ “Take back you power. Use your God-given power and intention to manifest blessings in your life” Make another list… what are your talents? what do you like to do when it comes to being of service to others? Every being is gifted with a talent that allows them to be of service to others. There are no exceptions, everyone has this gift. Have you found yours? What do you think it might be? Usually others will hint at it…. listen to the voice of spirit as it speaks through others telling you how helpful or “good” you might be at something…. meditate on this and like a small seed, water it, tender to it, and let it grow into a beautiful tree of life!
Blessings ! and much joy, love and peace during these Holy Days upon the New Moon of September!
In love and light,